Roboid Control

Passer Life


A participant is a device or application which is able to communicate with other devices, applications or sites. Any device or application can be turned into a participant by creating the Participant structure and updating it in the loop. Participant participant = Participant() loop() {…

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Passer Life

BB2B with wheel encoders

In the first BB2B example, we drove the wheel motors of the roboid directly. When the roboid did not see any obstacle, it should have driving straight forward as both motors were driven with a value of 1. However, in practice, you may see that…

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Passer Life


The BB2B example is inspired by the vehicles invented by Valentino Breitenberg. He created a number of conceptual vehicles which show life-like behaviour. By connecting sensors and motors together in a specific way, different behaviours can be observed. All code for this is also found…

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Passer Life


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